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Soul Sista Crystals

Chakra Candle

Chakra Candle

Regular price $20.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 AUD
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: 21cm T

This beautiful chakra candle represents each of the seven different chakras.
You can light this beautiful candle while meditating & to amplify & cleanse your aura and sacred space. 

Purple: the Crown Charka. This chakra is associated with widsom, consciousness and spirituality. A powerful affirmation to use to connect with this chakra is: "Each day I am open to receive wisdom".

Deep blue: the Third Eye Chakra. This chakra represents our inuition, meditation and inner trust. "I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance" is a powerful affirmation to repeat when connecting with this chakra.

Light blue: the Throat Chakra. This chakra is all about self-expression, communication and creativity. You can use the affirmation "I am an important voice in the world and my voice is heard" to connect with this chakra.  

Green: the Heart Chakra. This chakra is associated with love, compassion and serenity. Use the affirmation "I am open to and recieve love" to open this chakra.

Yellow: the Solar Plexis Chakra. This chakra is all about doing. It is associated with strength, determination and power. You can use the affirmation "I give myself permission to be my authentic self" to help you open this one. 

Orange: the Sacral Chakra. This chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, emotion and pleasure. A powerful affirmation to connect with this chakra is: "I understand and uphold my own boundaries always".

Red: the Root Chakra. This chakra is all about energy, stablity and comfort. "I am nourished and supported by Mother Earth" is a great affirmation to stimulate this chakra.

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