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Soul Sista Crystals

Red Jasper Skull

Red Jasper Skull

Regular price $40.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 AUD
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5cm L x 4cm T x 4cm W 


Red Jasper is said to increase emotional stamina, self confidence, self-trust, emotional protection, courage, balance, calm and relaxation.

Red Jasper can also be used for increasing memory of dreams and also increasing sexual vibrancy.

Red jasper is a microcrystalline variety of quartz with big, grainy crystals instead of the fibrous layers displayed by agate or chalcedony. It is opaque, occurs as fillings in fissures or as nodules, and is widely found all over the world.

Jasper can be used to align, activate, balance, and cleanse all of the chakras. Red Jasper should be used on the lower chakras of the Base and the Sacral to draw up the energies of the Earth into the physical body and ground the higher energies of the Brow and Crown down into physical reality and action.




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