Soul Sista Crystals
Distant REIKI Healing
Distant REIKI Healing
What Is Distance or Remote Healing?
Mother Earth & the universe is full of white light healing energies, one of which is called Distance Reiki Healing.
This practice includes a healer, that is performing the healing doesn’t actually need to be physically present to perform the healing session. It can be at a special time set aside and agreed upon between the healer and the seeker.
This amazing form of healing is sent across time and space to the receiver and has powerful healing effects.
You can be specific with an area that you wish to heal or request and overall wave of healing to take place.
Distance energy healing is equally effective as real-time or in-person healing because the healing energy is not limited by time or by distance. The Distance Reiki technique is usually about 30 minutes long.
My desire is to provide healing to help you in your spiritual journey to heal.
Distance healing can include anything from therapeutic touch, in which practitioners, without touching their patients, try to alter, and unblock energy / chakra fields that may be holding you back. Or to send out a prayer for a loved one or people who are Ill or in a bad way.
Also know that everyone has a unique experience, and it’s very likely to feel the same vibrations that you would have in the same healing room or in person. The healing vibration is not limited or affected by distance.
Distance healing is a very powerful healing practice but it requires the receiver to have a higher level of faith in the process.
In alternative healing energy and other holistic medicine therapies, healing practitioners will work with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of an individual by accessing their body’s energy and transferring it to the seeker.
In advance of the session, If I have not met you face to face in the past / I will ask you to msg me a photo of yourself, along with your name, age, location & any intention you may have (e.g. a physical or health issue, goal, or challenge).
Having these details will help me connect the light energy to you wherever you are in the world.
Treat this time like a meditation, or a part of your sacred ritual practice. Or If you enjoy baths, I would suggest getting into a nice warm one before you lie down for your Reiki session, this helps get you into a wonderfully receptive state.
Create a peaceful environment where u feel calm.
Make the space comfortable with cushions and a blanket if needed, burn one of our special Soul Sista Crystals Ritual Candles and dedicate it for your healing, use your crystals, essential oils, sage or incense to create atmosphere.
I will be performing Distant Reiki Healings every Wednesday night between 8pm to 9pm.