Soul Sista Crystals
Ruby Zoisite Points
Ruby Zoisite Points
8cm Tall x 2cm Wide
85 to 95g
All the points are high grade quality and have their own unique patterns - one will be intuitively chosen for you with love.
Ruby Zoisite holds vibrant energies that will boost the neural and energetic connection between your heart and your brain. It symbolizes strong and deep feelings, as well as energy and passion. It will give you the energy to balance opposing forces so that you will stay on top of controlling relationships.
Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It stimulates the heart and helps one to open to divine love. Zoisite helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat, and it is a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body's defences and healing mechanisms.